



UniMentoSchule is a gender-sensitive study and career orientation project of the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg and is aimed at pupils in the 9th - 12th grades at grammar schools in the greater Augsburg area.


UniMentoSchule provides insights into the STEM study programmes at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, hands-on experience in experiments, job and study talks with students and successful women from business, science and technology, reflection on one's own strengths and professional interests, strategies for improving self-presentation and visibility, reflection on career and future aspirations and the possibilities for their implementation.


UniMentoSchule aims broaden young women’s spectrum of study and career choices, highlight the attractiveness of STEM courses and thus make an important contribution to promoting young talent and careers for young women.

DLR_School_Lab digital

In DLR_School_Lab, school pupils are offered interactive and digital programmes on current research topics at the university, which are then explored in greater depth using experiments. “Carbon under the magnifier”, for example, is an interactive introduction to fibre composites by the Application Centre for Materials and Environmental Research (AMU). Participants learn about special features, areas of application of materials science and related professions.

Logo DLR_School_Lab

InsideSTEM digital

Here you can find events to get to know the STEM degree programmes at the Institute of Computer Science and the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology at the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg, from taster lectures to insights into laboratory work.

Robotermensch, der vor dem Hintergrund der Gestirne denkt

Job- und Study Talks

Job and study talks with female academics from the 威尼斯赌博游戏_威尼斯赌博app-【官网】 of Augsburg and STEM women in business take place to get to know study profiles, career biographies and images. In personal conversations, they provide insights into their studies and professional life and are available to answer questions about your subject decisions and career choices. Workshops on the topics of “strengths analysis” and “planning for the future” complete the programme.

M?dchen am Mikroskop

Contact persons



Koordination DLR_School_Lab Universit?t Augsburg, Koordination MINT-Projekte au?erschulischer Bereich



Hanna Hernadi, B.Ed.
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
Anwenderzentrum Material- und Umweltforschung


Leonie Sch?berl
Studentische Hilfskraft

